Wednesday 30 September 2020

Teachers on Trump: In high school debate, you’d be ‘kicked out if you behaved that way’

Teachers on Trump: In high school debate, you’d be ‘kicked out if you behaved that way’ submitted by /u/Gambit08 to r/politics
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LPT: When wearing a tie on a windy day, slip a coin down the inside of the hem to keep the tie from blowing around.

submitted by /u/raviji22 to r/LifeProTips
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Bob Murray, Who Fought Against Black Lung Regulations As A Coal Operator, Has Filed For Black Lung Benefits

Bob Murray, Who Fought Against Black Lung Regulations As A Coal Operator, Has Filed For Black Lung Benefits submitted by /u/corleone21 to r/nottheonion
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My mate drunk, going for a pee with cones on his feet. What could go wrong?

My mate drunk, going for a pee with cones on his feet. What could go wrong? submitted by /u/JamieUKSubs to r/funny
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Bob Murray, Who Fought Against Black Lung Regulations As A Coal Operator, Has Filed For Black Lung Benefits

submitted by /u/ghostofwiglaf to r/news
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Story time chair

Story time chair submitted by /u/1234LOLMAN to r/interestingasfuck
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LeBron James recruits 10,000 poll volunteers to assist in Black districts

LeBron James recruits 10,000 poll volunteers to assist in Black districts submitted by /u/lucynyu13 to r/politics
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The Vatican said on Wednesday it had denied a request from Mike Pompeo for an audience with Pope Francis, and accused the Secretary of State of trying to drag the Catholic Church into the U.S. presidential election

submitted by /u/mepper to r/worldnews
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Racial inequality is not up for debate

Racial inequality is not up for debate submitted by /u/bluerang1 to r/BlackPeopleTwitter
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Cloud sitting on a tree (Credits: u/monomotive)

Cloud sitting on a tree (Credits: u/monomotive) submitted by /u/DontOwoMe to r/oddlysatisfying
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Is anyone surprised trump didn’t condemn white supremacist?

Is anyone surprised trump didn’t condemn white supremacist? submitted by /u/how-was-your-dinner to r/TikTokCringe
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Mute. submitted by /u/WhyFi to r/pics
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What a lad!!

What a lad!! submitted by /u/adi_daz01 to r/JusticeServed
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LPT: When you sign up for anything online, put the website’s name as your middle name. That way when you receive spam/advert emails, you will know who sold your info.

submitted by /u/raviji22 to r/LifeProTips
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Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War - Zombies First Look

Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War - Zombies First Look submitted by /u/Mobile750APKStore to r/CODZombies
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Something to consider.

Something to consider. submitted by /u/aintiaint to r/WhitePeopleTwitter
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Once a mother, always a mother.

Once a mother, always a mother. submitted by /u/babarogic to r/aww
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Gave up getting the new 3090 so instead spent the money on a new monitor

Gave up getting the new 3090 so instead spent the money on a new monitor submitted by /u/Boostang99 to r/pcmasterrace
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Police arrest Proud Boy member on assault and gun charges hours after Trump refuses to denounce white supremacy

Police arrest Proud Boy member on assault and gun charges hours after Trump refuses to denounce white supremacy submitted by /u/beIIe-and-sebastian to r/politics
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excuse me, WHAT??

excuse me, WHAT?? submitted by /u/bugsbunnyindrag to r/FragileWhiteRedditor
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Exploiting Spirituality to Sleep with Hot Women Starter Pack

Exploiting Spirituality to Sleep with Hot Women Starter Pack submitted by /u/mixxxn to r/starterpacks
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TIL That "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day is About, Lead Singer, Billie Joe Armstrong's Father Dying of Esophageal Cancer on September 1st, 1982, When Billie was 10 years old.

TIL That "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day is About, Lead Singer, Billie Joe Armstrong's Father Dying of Esophageal Cancer on September 1st, 1982, When Billie was 10 years old. submitted by /u/Butthole_Patrol to r/todayilearned
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New Smash Character revealed TOMORROW at 7am PT

New Smash Character revealed TOMORROW at 7am PT submitted by /u/EnadZT to r/smashbros
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Tuesday 29 September 2020


The ONLY rule is there ARE NO rules!






submitted by /u/MrDannyOcean to r/neoliberal
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Wheat Field Next To A Lavender Field

Wheat Field Next To A Lavender Field submitted by /u/stysoe to r/interestingasfuck
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Only in our dreams 😞

Only in our dreams 😞 submitted by /u/NeverrForgett to r/AnimalCrossing
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YSK: Most drain cleaning/sewer services scam customers out of hundreds to thousands of dollars. This is a guide for anyone who owns or plans to own a house that will allow you spot the tricks they use, as well as tips to prevent you from needing to use a service at all.

Why YSK: I used to be a drain cleaner. EVERY SINGLE DAY I had people coming to me for a second opinion because they were told they had to replace their sewer line for 5 grand. In the two years I spent drain cleaning, I only came across a whopping FOUR people that actually needed their sewer line replaced and well over a hundred that were told they had to. Here are some of the many tactics these companies use:

-The most common one is that they couldn’t get their blades past a blockage so the line must be broken. If this were true, the blades would come back with either mud on them, or completely clean and shiny. Even then, there are lots of other reasons why they could be shiny so it’s not a definite break in the line.

-They clean the line with small or sometimes even no blades. If it’s the mainline, at least 3 inch blades should be used. Preferably 4 inch though. But some companies don’t do that. So they will poke a hole into the blockage, and everything will run just fine...for a few days. Shortly after, that tiny hole will close again and you’ll call them back out. They’ll try to convince you it’s because the line is broken when it’s not.

-They make you think roots in the mainline are a huge deal and the line must be replaced. Roots are the most common cause of sewer line backups. It’s incredibly common and should be expected if you have a tree near your sewer line. Some people will go ten years before their first root caused backup because it can take time for the roots to get through the pipe. Your sewer line is still in good shape. Just get it snaked every year and use root killer to slow the growth.

-They scope the line and find bellies with sitting water or small offsets. While not ideal, most houses have them and it’s not necessarily a big deal. It’s something to keep an eye on, not waste 5-10 grand on.

Here’s some general tips regarding the trade:

-If the company doesn’t have the prices online, don’t tell them if you’re renting out the house. If you’re a landlord they’ll assume you’ve got extra cash and up charge you.

-If your basement has a floor drain, get a $10 water alarm. If it ever backs up, you’ll know immediately and stop the spread of water before it causes massive amounts of damage. This is particularly important if you don’t go into the basement often. I once went to an elderly lady’s house that had a foot of water in the basement. She was too old to go downstairs and didn’t notice the smell because she was hooked up to an oxygen tank thingy. Decades of memories stored in boxed were destroyed.

-If you have a sewer line scoped, make sure you see them do it yourself. They like to swap footage with another house and act like your line is broken. Also make sure they use at least 3 inch blades on your mainline. Also make sure to get a copy of the footage. You can send it to multiple companies and they’ll usually give you their opinion for free so you don’t need it scoped multiple times!

-Clean out the p-traps to your sinks. I’ve had dozens of people call me to spend five minutes unscrewing their trap, cleaning it out, the putting it back. When I try to tell them that it’s easy to do yourself they say they don’t mess around with anything plumbing related. But seriously, watch a two minute video and do it yourself in 5 minutes and save a hundred bucks.

-DO NOT FLUSH ANYTHING DOWN THE TOILET UNLESS IT CAME OUT OF YOU, OR ITS TOILET PAPER!!!! It doesn’t matter if your wipes say they’re “flushable”. it doesn’t matter if it’s “just a few tampons”. It doesn’t matter if you “didn’t think your kid was dumb enough to flush his cat stuffed animal”. Don’t do it! Just because it gets past the toilet doesn’t mean it gets through the whole line. If you’re flushing wipes or tampons, there’s a good chance your just collecting them and one day you will be met with a very unpleasant surprise. I’ve seen anywhere from a couple tampons clogging the line to filling up HALF OF A FIVE GALLON BUCKET with tampons. The only thing worse than spending 10 hours fishing for tampons is spending a thousand bucks for someone to fish for your tampons.

There’s a lot more to it but I’m doubtful many will even read this. Which is a shame because I saw people getting scammed every single day and it’s easily avoidable. Most people don’t know much of this and these companies know that. And they take advantage of it.

Edit: I forgot to mention, don’t use any draino or anything similar. It’s very acidic. It can melt away pipes overtime and does a very poor job anyways. It usually only pokes holes into things. Save your pipes and clean out the trap yourself by hand, or call someone to do it.

Also, I highly recommend never using a snake yourself for the mainline, or even really a kitchen line. I have no idea how places like Home Depot are allowed to rent them out to just anyone. I know people that were trained to use them and still lost a finger. If you’re not incredibly familiar with it you can go from being just fine to missing a finger in literally a split second. Spend the extra hundred dollars and have a professional do it. It takes a long time to be trained to use it and messing up or not knowing how to use it properly can cost you a finger or two.

Also, if your toilets start to bubble/gargle when you run any water, your line is most likely going to be backing up. You could have a backup in one minute, or in a week. It’s best to have someone out ASAP!

People are asking why you shouldn’t use the snake yourself or how I could cause a lot of damage. This is why. BE WARNED, THIS IS NSFW AND GOREY. And this isn’t even the worst that can happen!

Also, drain cleaners love kitchen sink disposals because it keeps them in business. The more food you put down, the more likely it will get clogged. Especially avoid greasy foods, egg shells, and coffee grounds. If you’d like to avoid a backup, don’t put any food down the sink and use a paper towel to wipe off excess grease on dishes!

submitted by /u/ImConfusedAllThaTime to r/YouShouldKnow
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Always secure the goods.

Always secure the goods. submitted by /u/CalebST1 to r/Whatcouldgowrong
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The day has finally come, I can play Stanley Parable again!

The day has finally come, I can play Stanley Parable again! submitted by /u/Itswillyferret to r/gaming
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This guy guessing what colour the paint will be is a wild ride

This guy guessing what colour the paint will be is a wild ride submitted by /u/tonkerss to r/TikTokCringe
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TIL in 2015 a fan of the Austrailian band Peking Duk got backstage at their concert by adding himself as a family member on their Wiki page and showing it to security. The band wasn't even upset, saying "We ended up having a bunch of beers with him and he was an absolute legend."

TIL in 2015 a fan of the Austrailian band Peking Duk got backstage at their concert by adding himself as a family member on their Wiki page and showing it to security. The band wasn't even upset, saying "We ended up having a bunch of beers with him and he was an absolute legend." submitted by /u/famousforbeingfamous to r/todayilearned
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I won't debate this, yet too many will though

I won't debate this, yet too many will though submitted by /u/michelreid to r/BlackPeopleTwitter
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The kid was autistic too. Apparently the officer who shot was stalking the kid’s Dad’s fiancé prior to the murder as well.

The kid was autistic too. Apparently the officer who shot was stalking the kid’s Dad’s fiancé prior to the murder as well. submitted by /u/AfafHillen to r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut
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AOC condemns U.S. system that allows Trump, Amazon to pay almost no taxes but doesn't fund health care for all

AOC condemns U.S. system that allows Trump, Amazon to pay almost no taxes but doesn't fund health care for all submitted by /u/ohnoh18 to r/politics
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Amid Pandemic, Millennials Increasingly Believe Their Student Debt Wasn’t Worth Their College Education - Millennials Are The Generation Most Likely To Believe That Taking Out Student Loans Wasn’t Worth Attending College

Amid Pandemic, Millennials Increasingly Believe Their Student Debt Wasn’t Worth Their College Education - Millennials Are The Generation Most Likely To Believe That Taking Out Student Loans Wasn’t Worth Attending College submitted by /u/speckz to r/Futurology
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TIFU by misunderstanding a text from my wife, thinking my kid had thrown up, and missing out on sex

This wasn't today, it was actually Sunday.

The other night my wife and I were getting ready for bed and being kind of flirty. I had to use the restroom, so stayed downstairs while she went up to bed. While I was sitting on the toilet I got a text: "Bring a bucket and a mop."

Crap, one of my kids must have thrown up. I finished my toilet biz and went down to the basement to check the cleaning supplies. I found a bucket, but couldn't find a mop. i found one of those squeezy sponge things, but the sponge was missing. Figuring the vomit was probably congealing by this point, I just grabbed the bucket and a bunch of paper towels and ran upstairs.

I got to the upstairs bathroom and found no mess. I carried the cleaning supplies down to my kids rooms, but found no vomit. I went to our bedroom and found my wife lying on the bed. She asked what had taken me so long, and I said I couldn't find a mop, and where was the mess?

She started rolling around on the bed laughing. Suddenly I realized "Bring a bucket and a mop" was a line from "WAP (Wet Ass Pussy)." My wife had been in the mood, and I had spent 15 minutes looking for a mop in the basement.

She was laughing so much that the mood was basically dead.

TL;DR: My wife texted me a line from a Cardi B song to tell me she was in the mood. I thought she wanted me to bring cleaning supplies because a kid threw up.

submitted by /u/Crudbum to r/tifu
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Zach Lowe: "When you get Lebron James..Coaches will get fired, Draft Picks/Young Players will get traded to get him his help, but Lebron will take you to the Finals (barring any injuries). He will not lose in the Conference Finals, he will not have a blip in the Second Round..that's the payout."

Zach Lowe in the Lowe Podcast went over how getting Lebron upends the franchises, you will see how him getting there uproots any rebuild no matter how talented they may be. However, when you get Lebron James you are basically paying for the BEST chance at getting to the Finals out of anyone else.

Fun Fact brought up in this Podcast: 41/74 of the Finals in NBA History feature either the Lakers or Lebron James.


Edit: had to post again since Mods needed source

submitted by /u/PM-ME-YOUR-FoUrSKIN to r/nba
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Halloween Dog

Halloween Dog submitted by /u/moondragon7 to r/aww
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Could it be that simple?

Could it be that simple? submitted by /u/misterecho11 to r/PoliticalHumor
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Photography these days man

Photography these days man submitted by /u/PrismSpark to r/Unexpected
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It's only a joke, calm tf down

It's only a joke, calm tf down submitted by /u/walswerf to r/funny
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This random doorway to nowhere

This random doorway to nowhere submitted by /u/TheBoldNorthern to r/mildlyinteresting
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It does happen

It does happen submitted by /u/Suyesh_Shrestha to r/facepalm
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I’ve never been so impressed by an insult...

I’ve never been so impressed by an insult... submitted by /u/kxngofafs to r/nextfuckinglevel
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Cursed_Nurse submitted by /u/Mshikes06 to r/cursedcomments
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In 2007 AOC placed 2nd in ISEF in microbiology with project on effect of antioxidants on roundworms

In 2007 AOC placed 2nd in ISEF in microbiology with project on effect of antioxidants on roundworms submitted by /u/ohnoh18 to r/pics
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Monday 28 September 2020

Sheriff who starred on 'Live PD' charged with evidence tampering in Black man's death

submitted by /u/Bdub76 to r/news
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Today while sorting through my grandma’s attic, I happened to discover my great-great-grandfather‘s Italian passport and ticket to America exactly 100 years later!!

submitted by /u/dmikuska12 to r/OldSchoolCool
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No seconds thoughts.... or first ones

No seconds thoughts.... or first ones submitted by /u/NathanNolanAZ to r/wallstreetbets
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In Unsurprising NEWS

In Unsurprising NEWS submitted by /u/MikaylaKirsten to r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut
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70k per year? You’re fired!!!!

70k per year? You’re fired!!!! submitted by /u/bunnieollie to r/Justfuckmyshitup
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What was normal in 2000, but strange in 2020?

submitted by /u/Karpaty to r/AskReddit
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TIL Walt Disney was originally against the famous spaghetti-eating scene in Lady and the Tramp; he thought it would look too silly, and not romantic. Animator Frank Thomas disagreed, and animated the whole scene without layouts to convince Walt it would work. Walt was impressed, and kept it in.

TIL Walt Disney was originally against the famous spaghetti-eating scene in Lady and the Tramp; he thought it would look too silly, and not romantic. Animator Frank Thomas disagreed, and animated the whole scene without layouts to convince Walt it would work. Walt was impressed, and kept it in. submitted by /u/Lady_Grumbletonia to r/todayilearned
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The Tampa Bay Lightning have won the 2020 Stanley Cup after defeating the Dallas Stars in 6 games

(The Dallas Stars are eliminated from Stanley Cup Playoffs)

submitted by /u/EliminatorBot to r/hockey
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Always be there to help out others

Always be there to help out others submitted by /u/Froyo-In-A-Cup to r/wholesomememes
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Drive By Landscaping

Drive By Landscaping submitted by /u/CantStopPoppin to r/PublicFreakout
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Sign from a local church

Sign from a local church submitted by /u/BonnorBorris to r/pics
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Who wants some champagne?

Who wants some champagne? submitted by /u/Dude_von_Duden to r/dankmemes
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Someone said y’all would like my wooden NES

Someone said y’all would like my wooden NES submitted by /u/rabies_face to r/nextfuckinglevel
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There's a snake on the path

There's a snake on the path submitted by /u/Jamaican_snow_owl to r/Unexpected
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Paper-cutting machines are so satisfying, and the sound as well

Paper-cutting machines are so satisfying, and the sound as well submitted by /u/Melonth to r/oddlysatisfying
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Autumn in Aspen, CO (3072x4608) (OC)

Autumn in Aspen, CO (3072x4608) (OC) submitted by /u/wyatttimg to r/EarthPorn
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What a great way to sell pineapples.

What a great way to sell pineapples. submitted by /u/PolishKaiser to r/funny
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Poll: USPS should be run like a public service, not a business, Americans say 2-to-1

Poll: USPS should be run like a public service, not a business, Americans say 2-to-1 submitted by /u/CapitalCourse to r/politics
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