Wednesday 14 October 2020

LPT: if you're looking for a job, mention it to everybody that you come in contact with. You never know whose sister's neighbor's uncle is hiring.

I was trying to make a career change in my mid-20s and was having problems getting my foot in the door. I visited a loan officer at my credit union in the middle of my job hunt and mentioned it to her. her eyes lit up and said that the person that she had just had a meeting with worked in HR at this kind of company that I was looking to get into. She said that she could pass on my information if that was okay with me. She did and within 24 hours this person contacted me and I had an interview at his company and was hired the next week. If I had never mentioned it to this loan officer, I wouldn't have gotten my foot in the door when I did.

submitted by /u/pouncebounce14 to r/LifeProTips
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