Monday 30 November 2020

Bought this ball for $3 and the result was priceless

Bought this ball for $3 and the result was priceless submitted by /u/neeeenbean to r/aww
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An awesome person bringing smiles to little girls

An awesome person bringing smiles to little girls submitted by /u/lucynyu13 to r/HumansBeingBros
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This is great lol!

This is great lol! submitted by /u/ghost24jm to r/gaming
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Baby loves her momma

Baby loves her momma submitted by /u/TheRealGongoozler to r/MadeMeSmile
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Yeh, who doesn’t?!

Yeh, who doesn’t?! submitted by /u/Elgarr2 to r/memes
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More people would donate to Wikipedia if they shut off the site for a day to make us realise what we'd be missing

submitted by /u/bigmeepslarryhoova to r/Showerthoughts
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The range of a M132 Armored Flamethrower

The range of a M132 Armored Flamethrower submitted by /u/DAVID-CRAPPENSHITZ to r/interestingasfuck
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Spark that up son

Spark that up son submitted by /u/Mister_Mike_ to r/BlackPeopleTwitter
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slippers provides for the house now!

slippers provides for the house now! submitted by /u/sherlock_er to r/Unexpected
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How is "support local black businesses" not racist? Aren't you just judging the proprietor on the colour of their skin instead of what they produce?

I keep seeing it after the BLM protests and I don't understand how singling out black people isn't still racist. Positive discrimination is still discrimination and this is based entirely on the colour of their skin, not who they are or the quality of their goods.

submitted by /u/thedarkthor to r/TooAfraidToAsk
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Top /r/Libertarian thread locked after sub can't agree on whether you have the freedom to punch Nazis or to be killed by them

submitted by /u/NovaDeez to r/SubredditDrama
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Menstruation in Media Examples?

I was watching "Queen's Gambit" on Netflix with my boyfriend yesterday, and (very minor spoiler), there is a scene where the lead has finished a game and starts looking like she's in pain. I immediately said "oh, no, did just she get her first period???" and my bf pointed out we didn't have evidence (at that point in the show) that it was necessarily her first, since she was old enough to have had it for a while.

I told him "women in media never get their period unless it's their first time," and, sure enough, it was hers. But I then tried to think of counterexamples. I have so far failed to come up with any.

Reddit, any counter examples you can think of? At any given point roughly 1/4 women on screen should have it, and it's not like you just get the cramps and whatnot the FIRST time, so...

submitted by /u/jbluphin to r/TwoXChromosomes
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Today I turn 50, but here I am at 18- summer of 1989

Today I turn 50, but here I am at 18- summer of 1989 submitted by /u/mtnmamma to r/OldSchoolCool
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This Country Can't Survive If 43% of Us Live in Unreality

This Country Can't Survive If 43% of Us Live in Unreality submitted by /u/mykl66 to r/politics
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Why is so much of the high fantasy genre slow paced and requires you to read 300-500 pages before something is happening with the plot?

As someone who enjoys fantasy storyline, I just cannot fathom why so much of the genre is hung up on long and tiresome characterizations and descriptions about the setting etc. Why do authors think I'm more interested in how a castle looks like or how many generations there are to some lord than the actual plot?

I find that many authors are obsessed with small details that can take up 100+ pages that have no actual bearing on the plot.


submitted by /u/LittleMixHistory to r/books
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I mentioned the verse that says it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven to a friend. His reply? “It’s not talking about a literal needle.” Isn’t it convenient how the Bible stops being literal the moment it says the rich will burn in hell?

I’m talking about Matthew 19:24 in which Jesus says that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.

When I pointed this out to one of my conservative Christian friends, he suddenly claims the Bible isn’t to be taken literally in this passage.

He takes the virgin birth literally.

He takes the resurrection literally.

He takes the flood literally.

He takes all passages condemning gay people literally.

But the moment the Bible says that rich, greedy folks will burn in hell? Of course that isn’t literal.

How fucking convenient.

submitted by /u/relevantlife to r/atheism
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New Kelly Loeffler ad claims multimillionaire knows what "it feels like waiting on that paycheck" | The richest member of Congress is worth between $800 million and $1 billion, according to Forbes

New Kelly Loeffler ad claims multimillionaire knows what "it feels like waiting on that paycheck" | The richest member of Congress is worth between $800 million and $1 billion, according to Forbes submitted by /u/Archer1407 to r/politics
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A paper clip made of Nitinol placed in hot water.

A paper clip made of Nitinol placed in hot water. submitted by /u/Armaan204 to r/interestingasfuck
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I missed my exit and had to speed, but I satisfied my inner teenage idiocy for a minute.

I missed my exit and had to speed, but I satisfied my inner teenage idiocy for a minute. submitted by /u/professionalturd to r/funny
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[@LucasdiGrassi] Stop saying the world “miracle”. It confuses people. The reason Grosjean is alive is called science and hard work by a lot of engineers, doctors and the regulatory body making motorsport safer.

[@LucasdiGrassi] Stop saying the world “miracle”. It confuses people. The reason Grosjean is alive is called science and hard work by a lot of engineers, doctors and the regulatory body making motorsport safer. submitted by /u/aloklokhande to r/formula1
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Scientists have developed a way of predicting if patients will develop Alzheimer's disease by analysing their blood. The model based off of these two proteins had an 88 percent success rate in predicting the onset of Alzheimers in the same patients over the course of four years.

Scientists have developed a way of predicting if patients will develop Alzheimer's disease by analysing their blood. The model based off of these two proteins had an 88 percent success rate in predicting the onset of Alzheimers in the same patients over the course of four years. submitted by /u/Wagamaga to r/science
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TIL that Michelangelo hid under the Medici Chapel in Florence for 3 months during a period of political turmoil, occupying his time by sketching on the walls with charcoal. His whereabouts were a secret for almost 500 years until the museum director stumbled upon the drawings in 1976.

TIL that Michelangelo hid under the Medici Chapel in Florence for 3 months during a period of political turmoil, occupying his time by sketching on the walls with charcoal. His whereabouts were a secret for almost 500 years until the museum director stumbled upon the drawings in 1976. submitted by /u/featheredoctopus to r/todayilearned
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at least she’s trying -\{:)_/-

at least she’s trying -\{:)_/- submitted by /u/bute-bavis to r/teenagers
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Sunday 29 November 2020

Wanting you not to be alone

Wanting you not to be alone submitted by /u/memezzer to r/WatchPeopleDieInside
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Oh lord

Oh lord submitted by /u/inkeyh to r/awfuleverything
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U.S. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez raises $200K after battling Jagmeet Singh in hit video game Among Us

U.S. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez raises $200K after battling Jagmeet Singh in hit video game Among Us submitted by /u/viva_la_vinyl to r/canada
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They forgot the plastic cover and printed right on the mac and cheese

They forgot the plastic cover and printed right on the mac and cheese submitted by /u/Ace_Portgas to r/mildlyinteresting
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I want them to feel my self esteem

I want them to feel my self esteem submitted by /u/_crunchwrap_ to r/WhitePeopleTwitter
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Found on fb

Found on fb submitted by /u/helpme944 to r/gaming
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'Grounded', me, Gouache and Ink, 2020

'Grounded', me, Gouache and Ink, 2020 submitted by /u/belleterno to r/Art
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NOT WANTED signs up in NYC

NOT WANTED signs up in NYC submitted by /u/ohnoh18 to r/pics
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This story has aged well and the young man isolated for 14 days to be with her!

This story has aged well and the young man isolated for 14 days to be with her! submitted by /u/thathoeoverthere2019 to r/HumansBeingBros
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Saw this on FB with someone asking for a contractor. Holy shit!

Saw this on FB with someone asking for a contractor. Holy shit! submitted by /u/King_Baboon to r/Wellthatsucks
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Like Icarus flying too close to the sun

Like Icarus flying too close to the sun submitted by /u/AristonD to r/instant_regret
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Imagine scientists finding the stone in 1000 years, and being completely confused......

Imagine scientists finding the stone in 1000 years, and being completely confused...... submitted by /u/just-here4the_memes to r/nextfuckinglevel
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@alexswagzilla what’s wrong with your dog 😂😂😂

@alexswagzilla what’s wrong with your dog 😂😂😂 submitted by /u/ftg2468 to r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog
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He went zooming into his death

He went zooming into his death submitted by /u/unxiety to r/Minecraft
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c r e a t u r e

c r e a t u r e submitted by /u/sneakyburrito to r/wholesomememes
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Workplace from your nightmares

Workplace from your nightmares submitted by /u/ptochogony to r/videos
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Yummy submitted by /u/My_Memes_Will_Cure_U to r/KidsAreFuckingStupid
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Mo what are you doing

Mo what are you doing submitted by /u/BastillianFig to r/comedyheaven
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Men who don't drink (alcohol/beer): How do you manage your social life and meet new people?

While bars, pubs, and clubs are the major hubs for socialising and meeting new people in current era. Some people even look down upon us for not being part of that tribe. Some force us for consumption.

However, some of us still don't prefer liquid pleasures.

How do you manage your social life? Where and how do you meet new people? What do you do to hangout with friends?

submitted by /u/_Floydian to r/AskMen
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Your Local Bookstore Wants You to Know It’s Struggling: “Buy books from people who want to sell books, not colonize the moon."

Your Local Bookstore Wants You to Know It’s Struggling: “Buy books from people who want to sell books, not colonize the moon." submitted by /u/atomicspace to r/books
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Hope all of my “Biden cheated” neighbors enjoy my new flag!

Hope all of my “Biden cheated” neighbors enjoy my new flag! submitted by /u/bananacatdancer to r/PoliticalHumor
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London's homeless will be offered two-week stay in hotel over Christmas

submitted by /u/BrendanIrish to r/worldnews
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[OC] Source of the most residents born out-of-state, 2017

[OC] Source of the most residents born out-of-state, 2017 submitted by /u/demivus to r/dataisbeautiful
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Saturday 28 November 2020

No-nos for Simpsons animators.

No-nos for Simpsons animators. submitted by /u/haddock420 to r/interestingasfuck
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Took this picture today in Fez, Morocco and was delighted to see that the cat and trashbag matched the color scheme perfectly

Took this picture today in Fez, Morocco and was delighted to see that the cat and trashbag matched the color scheme perfectly submitted by /u/SuperFishy to r/mildlyinteresting
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U.S. House to vote on ending federal ban on marijuana

U.S. House to vote on ending federal ban on marijuana submitted by /u/hopopo to r/politics
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No Karen, Bad Karen

No Karen, Bad Karen submitted by /u/robdizzle10 to r/memes
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I green screened myself into Phantom Menace

I green screened myself into Phantom Menace submitted by /u/Unusual__Suspect to r/PrequelMemes
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Merry Christmas from my 1908 Queen Anne.

Merry Christmas from my 1908 Queen Anne. submitted by /u/tfvdw2at to r/CozyPlaces
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Kissing your side chick in public

Kissing your side chick in public submitted by /u/Peake37902 to r/WatchPeopleDieInside
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Faye Schulman (1940s), member and main photographer of the Jewish resistance to the Holocaust. "I want people to know that there was resistance. Jews did not go like sheep to the slaughter," she said. "I have pictures. I have proof." She is still alive, and turns 101 today.

Faye Schulman (1940s), member and main photographer of the Jewish resistance to the Holocaust. "I want people to know that there was resistance. Jews did not go like sheep to the slaughter," she said. "I have pictures. I have proof." She is still alive, and turns 101 today. submitted by /u/howmuchbanana to r/OldSchoolCool
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US is 'rounding the corner into a calamity,' expert says, with Covid-19 deaths projected to double soon

submitted by /u/Quasiterran to r/news
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Saved a cat in the freeway today I45 no hesitation pulled over immediately, grabbed from traffic.

Saved a cat in the freeway today I45 no hesitation pulled over immediately, grabbed from traffic. submitted by /u/_ItsLy_ to r/aww
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He looks kinda cute tho

He looks kinda cute tho submitted by /u/C1ugg to r/wholesomememes
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How contradictory for a religion..

How contradictory for a religion.. submitted by /u/crupnick to r/facepalm
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TIL that "Don't Mess With Texas" is an anti-littering slogan. Printed on street signs, it successfully reduced litter by 72% a few years after it was introduced.

TIL that "Don't Mess With Texas" is an anti-littering slogan. Printed on street signs, it successfully reduced litter by 72% a few years after it was introduced. submitted by /u/bugleweed to r/todayilearned
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I was really insecure about my hair, so I decided to just shave it all off. Lowkey digging it :)

I was really insecure about my hair, so I decided to just shave it all off. Lowkey digging it :) submitted by /u/kylcigh to r/pics
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Praise the sun.

Praise the sun. submitted by /u/HeyRombo to r/gaming
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Chaos in Paris as thousands take to the streets today in protest against a new "security law" which makes it illegal to film police.

Chaos in Paris as thousands take to the streets today in protest against a new "security law" which makes it illegal to film police. submitted by /u/FacelessOnes to r/PublicFreakout
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