Monday 30 November 2020

Menstruation in Media Examples?

I was watching "Queen's Gambit" on Netflix with my boyfriend yesterday, and (very minor spoiler), there is a scene where the lead has finished a game and starts looking like she's in pain. I immediately said "oh, no, did just she get her first period???" and my bf pointed out we didn't have evidence (at that point in the show) that it was necessarily her first, since she was old enough to have had it for a while.

I told him "women in media never get their period unless it's their first time," and, sure enough, it was hers. But I then tried to think of counterexamples. I have so far failed to come up with any.

Reddit, any counter examples you can think of? At any given point roughly 1/4 women on screen should have it, and it's not like you just get the cramps and whatnot the FIRST time, so...

submitted by /u/jbluphin to r/TwoXChromosomes
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