Friday 22 January 2021

Sleepy joe hasn’t slept since Wednesday. Getting shit DONE.

Sleepy joe hasn’t slept since Wednesday. Getting shit DONE. submitted by /u/killmeaIready to r/WhitePeopleTwitter
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Ghibli style

Ghibli style submitted by /u/PrizePhotograph to r/pics
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What’s up with the Twitter trend #ImpeachBidenNow?

I know there’s many people that hate Biden and many people still like Trump but what did Biden supposedly do to get this hashtag? It’s overtaken by K-pop fans at the moment.

submitted by /u/ukshj to r/OutOfTheLoop
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‘“I Regret Voting Brexit” - Fish Industry in Ruins

‘“I Regret Voting Brexit” - Fish Industry in Ruins submitted by /u/seanbastard1 to r/unitedkingdom
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I replayed Sword/Shield and seriously think GameFreak should be replaced for mainline Pokemon games

I love this franchise so much but when I first played Sword/Shield, I was disappointed. I tried to enjoy certain aspects of the game but it just didn't feel the same anymore, it lost so much of that personality and I feel like there is not much passion from the development. I hate saying this about one of my favorite franchises, so I gave it a second chance and replayed it... it didn't change my mind. GameFreak might've been doing justice for the franchise in the past, but when it comes to this modern era, they clearly fail to meet expectations or even minimum standards. If we look at other games that look incredible on Switch, it clearly shows that GameFreak can do better but maybe it's because they don't have enough time? Or because the development is quite small? I honestly don't know why they don't employ more when they are making games for the largest media franchise?

Who do you think would be suitable to make future mainline Pokemon games?

I think of a few like Square Enix, just look at how incredible Dragon Quest 11 S is. The game itself is amazing on any platform, but the fact that we got such a masterpiece on Switch! It's beautiful and runs great! Square Enix is obviously well-known for their RPGs so I think they would make a great Pokemon game.

What about Level-5? The Ni No Kuni games are great but the fact that the first one is on Switch and looks a lot better than Sword/Shield... it's not even the remastered version. If you've played the first Ni No Kuni, you probably thought of Pokemon as well, the games are quite similar in many ways.

We know Bandai Namco has given us beautiful visuals for Pokemon (Pokken and Snap) but when it comes to proper RPG elements, we can look at their Tales Of Franchise. If you haven't played them, they're great!

Another great team - Monolith Soft. Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps... just imagine a proper 'Pokemon roaming in the wild' experience. We want to see Pokemon interacting in their habitats the way they're supposed to and when you think of the Xenoblade games, you know that it's possible.

I was actually discussing this on a Discord server and some people were saying "Why not Nintendo handle it themselves?" How awesome would that be!? Pokemon has SO MUCH potential but with the way GameFreak has been handling things for the past few years, it seems like it won't please the majority. Mario and Zelda are getting more innovative with their games but Nintendo's biggest franchise is just going downhill (obviously not in sales but you get what I mean). Of course, it's 'Pokemon' were talking about, it will obviously sell whether they put effort or not, we all know that.

EDIT: After reading very interesting comments, I agree that GameFreak should still communicate with the (hypothetically) new team. They can help with other things like designs, stats, music, and so on.

2ND EDIT: Saw one guy say this and it's so true!! - Why does a AAA first party Nintendo game from their most popular franchise of a $95 billion company get excused so easily for being so goddamn awful?

3RD EDIT: Seeing a lot of Atlus mentions, and hell yeah! I love their games and they've done a lot of things similar to Pokemon games. They are definitely capable of delivering.

4TH EDIT: For those who wonder why I posted this, it’s because I felt like it was an important topic that could start an interesting discussion (what dev team could help the franchise). I barely post on Reddit but my experience with this franchise just really made me want to speak out. I was not trying to make a ‘hate post’ towards GameFreak, or try to get people to trashtalk the team. I wanted to open a discussion regarding the possibilities of new developers to work on Pokemon.

5TH EDIT: This rotation system that people mentioned, how COD was developed by different teams. That’s something Pokemon should have. It would be a great opportunity for more games to be developed simultaneously by different teams, and with more time of course. GameFreak has a tight schedule, they need to find some kind of solution and the rotation is perfect.

submitted by /u/DevilTrigger789 to r/NintendoSwitch
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Your dog has heard all of your conversations, arguments and deepest secrets. It suddenly learns to talk. What would you do?

submitted by /u/Mantistobogganohyh to r/AskReddit
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Going Bowling...

Going Bowling... submitted by /u/blowjumbojob to r/Unexpected
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I now remember that yesterday I wanted a cool soda

I now remember that yesterday I wanted a cool soda submitted by /u/dim-pap to r/Wellthatsucks
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TIL despite her repeated claims to be more than 85% correct, a 2013 article found that "psychic" Sylvia Browne was accurate in 0/33 of her predictions. For example, she had predicted that she would die at age 88; she died at age 77.

TIL despite her repeated claims to be more than 85% correct, a 2013 article found that "psychic" Sylvia Browne was accurate in 0/33 of her predictions. For example, she had predicted that she would die at age 88; she died at age 77. submitted by /u/A-Dumb-Ass to r/todayilearned
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It's just a dry heat

It's just a dry heat submitted by /u/koeloven8d to r/mildlyinfuriating
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Three act Maga Tragedy

Three act Maga Tragedy submitted by /u/juntawflo to r/PublicFreakout
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Only a helicopter needs less space to start/ land

Only a helicopter needs less space to start/ land submitted by /u/The--Weasel to r/nextfuckinglevel
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Xbox Live Gold just became the worst deal in gaming

Xbox Live Gold just became the worst deal in gaming submitted by /u/Seaniard to r/xboxone
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AOC demands Biden immediately cancel all student loan debt by executive order

AOC demands Biden immediately cancel all student loan debt by executive order submitted by /u/lrlOurPresident to r/MurderedByAOC
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Kitty working in the coal mine

Kitty working in the coal mine submitted by /u/lolkari to r/aww
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LPT: Leave "natural" peanut butter jars upside down overnight before stirring them up. The oil will rise to the bottom of the jar making the stirring process much cleaner, easier, and more efficient

submitted by /u/kickypie to r/LifeProTips
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Compromise submitted by /u/toonhole to r/funny
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It do be like that

It do be like that submitted by /u/smokin_potato to r/memes
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Very refreshing

Very refreshing submitted by /u/jonredd901 to r/WhitePeopleTwitter
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Biden's next executive order will let people stay on unemployment if they quit an unsafe job

Biden's next executive order will let people stay on unemployment if they quit an unsafe job submitted by /u/ReadItSteveO to r/politics
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Kid is obsessed with local personal injury lawyer

Kid is obsessed with local personal injury lawyer submitted by /u/archj179481048 to r/KidsAreFuckingStupid
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Wholesome grandma

Wholesome grandma submitted by /u/beejeezP0P to r/MadeMeSmile
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Hello, I made this for fun.

Hello, I made this for fun. submitted by /u/Happylayovers to r/pics
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Thursday 21 January 2021

They're starting to sober up.

They're starting to sober up. submitted by /u/JenNineNails to r/SelfAwarewolves
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What happens if you have questions?

What happens if you have questions? submitted by /u/slytherinchosenone to r/facepalm
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White House communications director: 'Biden is not going to be breaking news at 1am on Twitter'

White House communications director: 'Biden is not going to be breaking news at 1am on Twitter' submitted by /u/PmButtPics4ADrawing to r/nottheonion
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Dr. Fauci Says Not Having to Deal With a Lying President is ‘Liberating’

Dr. Fauci Says Not Having to Deal With a Lying President is ‘Liberating’ submitted by /u/Twoweekswithpay to r/politics
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Pure wholesomeness

Pure wholesomeness submitted by /u/tilltheend0ftime to r/BetterEveryLoop
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[OC] Which Generation Controls the Senate?

[OC] Which Generation Controls the Senate? submitted by /u/wcd-fyi to r/dataisbeautiful
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So much room to store your neck brace!

So much room to store your neck brace! submitted by /u/ProfCrazynuts2 to r/DiWHY
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They did the math

They did the math submitted by /u/themacity to r/quityourbullshit
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That’s it, I’m tattoo shaming.

submitted by /u/_darkstalker_ to r/trashy
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Gabe Newell says Valve has 'games in development that we're going to be announcing' | PC Gamer

Gabe Newell says Valve has 'games in development that we're going to be announcing' | PC Gamer submitted by /u/Nurgus to r/pcgaming
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What's your "I can't believe they got away with this in a kid show" moment?

submitted by /u/pswii360i to r/AskReddit
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TIL of a term 'Revenge Bedtime Procrastination' which is "a phenomenon in which people who don’t have much control over their daytime life refuse to go to sleep early in order to regain some sense of freedom during late night hours."

TIL of a term 'Revenge Bedtime Procrastination' which is "a phenomenon in which people who don’t have much control over their daytime life refuse to go to sleep early in order to regain some sense of freedom during late night hours." submitted by /u/noahfrei to r/todayilearned
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Doesn't matter how badass you are, sometimes ya just need your pooh bear

Doesn't matter how badass you are, sometimes ya just need your pooh bear submitted by /u/metalheadgod69 to r/aww
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Officially got the news that I'm in remission! Feels damn good.

Officially got the news that I'm in remission! Feels damn good. submitted by /u/bgravemeister to r/MadeMeSmile
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Now we know how he afforded that car

Now we know how he afforded that car submitted by /u/WilliAnne to r/IdiotsInCars
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This a time for friends more than ever.

This a time for friends more than ever. submitted by /u/adeptopeth212 to r/wholesomememes
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Senate Democrats file ethics complaint against Hawley, Cruz over election challenge

Senate Democrats file ethics complaint against Hawley, Cruz over election challenge submitted by /u/LeDumonster to r/politics
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FBI ups reward to $75,000 for suspect who placed pipe bombs during Capitol riot

submitted by /u/sierratrading to r/news
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Sonali Bag

Sonali Bag submitted by /u/regian24 to r/ThatsInsane
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The Eye of the Beholder

The Eye of the Beholder submitted by /u/drewisawesome14 to r/WhitePeopleTwitter
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“I Think My Gmail Has Crashed”: The Teacher Who Made Bernie Sanders’ Mittens on Watching Them Go Viral

“I Think My Gmail Has Crashed”: The Teacher Who Made Bernie Sanders’ Mittens on Watching Them Go Viral submitted by /u/noodlemcfoodle to r/UpliftingNews
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Petition to shut down the WSB twitter account

"For far too long the world has dismissed us as degenerates, gamblers, and uninformed retail scum, and while we are some or perhaps all of those things, we are also now a powerful force to be taken seriously."

Lol is this a teenager wattpad fanfiction? Get your head out of your ass you 30 year old virgin loser.

Jim Cramer's trying to frame WSB for market manipulation and the twitter account isn't helping.


submitted by /u/dota2leddit to r/wallstreetbets
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Biden/Harris flag

Biden/Harris flag submitted by /u/CaptainWisconsin to r/PoliticalHumor
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Wednesday 20 January 2021

32 years ago today, my family and I immigrated to the US as refugees. What a full circle day!

32 years ago today, my family and I immigrated to the US as refugees. What a full circle day! submitted by /u/DiorNoir to r/OldSchoolCool
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Joe Exotic’s limo waiting for him outside the prison in anticipation of the presidential pardon

Joe Exotic’s limo waiting for him outside the prison in anticipation of the presidential pardon submitted by /u/ilike_cutetoes to r/facepalm
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Biden Has Already Fired Three of Trump’s Worst Appointees

Biden Has Already Fired Three of Trump’s Worst Appointees submitted by /u/BelleAriel to r/politics
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Biden revokes presidential permit for Keystone XL pipeline expansion on 1st day

submitted by /u/XavierDeRenegadeAngL to r/news
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Romney: Founders didn't intend pardons to be used for 'cronies'

Romney: Founders didn't intend pardons to be used for 'cronies' submitted by /u/rspix000 to r/politics
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6 years in; Pakistan's Billion Tree Tsunami making a difference!

6 years in; Pakistan's Billion Tree Tsunami making a difference! submitted by /u/hydrogen_radium to r/interestingasfuck
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Womp womp

Womp womp submitted by /u/I_So_Tired to r/WhitePeopleTwitter
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National treasures

National treasures submitted by /u/unknown_human to r/KeanuBeingAwesome
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Can he check in his bags?

Can he check in his bags? submitted by /u/Scaulbylausis to r/BlackPeopleTwitter
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‘Come with me if you want to live’: Schwarzenegger gets COVID vaccine, urges others to follow suit

‘Come with me if you want to live’: Schwarzenegger gets COVID vaccine, urges others to follow suit submitted by /u/geoxol to r/Coronavirus
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Well that's that then

Well that's that then submitted by /u/SicarioCercops to r/dankmemes
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Couple who stormed black child's birthday party with a gun and confederate flags, in tears as they get sentenced to a combined 35 years

Couple who stormed black child's birthday party with a gun and confederate flags, in tears as they get sentenced to a combined 35 years submitted by /u/Ffffqqq to r/PublicFreakout
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Melania Trump doesn’t care anymore

Melania Trump doesn’t care anymore submitted by /u/mati98 to r/gifs
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