Saturday 29 August 2020

My (27/F) cousin (27/F) confessed that she was in love with my husband (29/F). She’s currently living with us and I have no idea how to act.

opps I made a typo in the title sorry! I meant husband (29/M)**

Literally what the title says.

My cousin has been living with us for the past four months along with her toddler so she can save up to get her own place. Yesterday, whilst my husband was out, she asked me if we could talk. I thought she was going to ask me if she could stay a little while longer (the original plan was for 6 months) but instead she gave me a long speech about how she was in love with my husband, how she tried to make the feelings go away but they keep getting stronger and how she thinks he might be her soulmate. She kept apologizing but said that when she sees him with her son, she knows her family is complete and he could offer her and her son the stability they need. I was honestly so shocked I just said “Uh, I need time to process this”. I’ve been avoiding her since, my husband has been holed up in his office working so he hasn’t noticed anything weird yet. I think I’m still reeling from the shock.

I can’t even ask her to move out because her family disowned her when she had a baby out of wedlock. I haven’t told anyone in real life yet either because I know they’re all just going to tell me to kick her out but I can’t make my nephew homeless during a pandemic.

What do I do?

TL;DR – my cousin, who is staying with us for another two months, thinks my husband is her soulmate. I have no idea how to act around her now. Help.

Edit: I wrote it in the comments already but just to add she claims she's had these feelings for at least 4 years and they've just grown so strong recently that she couldn't keep it in anymore. Also, her son is 18 months!

UPDATE: I spoke to my husband. He was shocked and a little uncomfortable. He apologised and said he didn't mean to give her the wrong impression. Neither of us are quite sure what we're going to do yet since he also doesn't want to leave my nephew homeless. We're discussing it. I wasn't going to update until we'd solved the issue but literally every comment is telling me to tell him so just to let you guys know I have!!

submitted by /u/ThrowRA_cousin2 to r/relationship_advice
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