Sunday 1 November 2020

Finally watched The Rise of Skywalker and it has firmly cemented itself as my least favorite movie of all time.

I'm prepared to get downvoted into oblivion because of how much I absolutely loathe this movie. Wasn't holding off on watching it out of spite or anything. I just genuinely wasn't interested. Granted I thought the first 2 in this trash trilogy were pretty bad, but this one was a whole new level of utter shit. The amount of times I found myself saying "what" aloud during this movie is unreal. There are so many things that just make absolutely no sense and what makes it even worse is that they'll try to write the explanations into a character's dialogue. Pure shit and if you can't see that then you just have objectively poor taste to be frank.

What they did with the force throughout the entire trilogy was frustrating to say the least, but this one really topped it off. Yes, I'm aware that the force has always been shown to be magical and what not. The problem is how completely overpowered they have made it. Palpatine essentially becomes a force of nature with his force lightning and destroys like an entire fleet lol. Now I've never read the vast majority of the expanded universe novels and what not, but I have seen all the movies, tv shows, read comics, and played video games yet never have I seen the force be so completely overpowered. Jedi and Sith were definitely forces to be reckoned with, but they were still human. It was supposed to be a struggle for Luke to have lifted the X-wing out of the swamp and the whole time Palpatine could just conjure up storms of force lightning? Yeah, ok lol. Oh and don't even get me started on all that force dyad crap. I'm sure there's going to be people like "oh well it was explained how do you not understand it?" I understand it completely. I just think it was dumb as hell. You could literally grab something the person you're communicating with was holding through the force? I'm not saying everything has to make sense, but there's absolutely nothing in the prequels or original trilogy that makes you think how in the world does that make any sense. There's way too much of that here.

The physics in this movie are also a little wonky to say the least lol. From bow and arrows piercing armor to kylo ren taking a full hit to the face from whatever weapon that knight of ren had and not losing his head. I mean really how would that not completely decapitate him? Are the knights of ren's weapons made of plastic or are we supposed to believe that kylo ren can just eat that because he's force sensitive or some bs? I'm not even gonna get into how stupid the knights of ren are to begin with because I'm sure that's been beaten to death already. And then there's light skipping lol. I don't even think I really have to explain how stupid this was because um what... There was so much garbage in this movie I keep remembering more and more as I write this. The jedi living on through Rey and the sith with palpatine or whatever was stupid. The stormtrooper deserter girl they tried to make us care about sucked. Rose Tico lol. That ass pull death they had with Chewbacca should actually be a crime. Even in the movie they just gloss over it. They're like "wow he must have been on another ship!" Wow that's some top tier writing there. I get that it's a movie so this is a small gripe, but why the fuck would Kylo Ren reforge his cracked helmet? Does he not have the resources to make a new one or? Minor gripe, but still stupid.

I also keep hearing people say how bad the movie is, but that the actors still have good performances and I just don't find that to be the case. A lot of acting is performing the lines you're given and if the lines are corny, there's really not much the actor can do. For example, I think John Boyega is actually a really good actor. I just don't buy his American accent though lol. He sounds so corny most of the time and I think them having him speak normally wouldn't have really detracted from his character to begin with. Don't know what motivated them to do that, but it was pretty bad.

The only time I felt any shred of emotion other than anger during this entire movie was when Chewbacca receives the news that Leia has died. It really made me reminisce about all Chewbacca has been there for and it's funny how absolutely none of those moments are from the sequel trilogy lol. Oh, also wanted to add how stupid it was that Palpatine amassed an entire fleet an army on a single planet while in hiding, but I thought it was pretty self-explanatory how stupid that was.

Just realized I didn't address the whole Rey Skywalker thing, but yeah dumb as hell. No idea why she wouldn't take her actual name or just not take one at all. Well I do know why, but it has nothing to do with the story lol.

Also fuck them for giving Chewbacca his medal and trying to tug on the nostalgia strings. Made no sense and it's been explained countless times why he didn't get one.

I know this was a really long and poorly formatted rant, but can we all just collectively agree to decanonize this trilogy? I think the world would be better off if we don't have to continue pretending like this is actually a part of the Star Wars series. Movie really was just eye candy and it's the only star wars movie I've ever watched that felt like a chore to get through.

Edit: Since I forgot in my original post, I just wanted to add that there were so many scenes or parts in this movie where there was no dialogue and I just kept thinking how it's because the characters genuinely have nothing to say and the writers know it. They'll try to disguise it as cool shots of the scenery or having silence for emotion, but to me it really just felt like they were padding for time. It's not for the cinematography lol trust me. I didn't buy a single connection that any of these characters had to each other.

Another edit: I did want to add that I think Kylo Ren looks cool and was a cool character in concept, but they really dropped the ball with him in my opinion. He became edgy for the sake of being edgy and I never bought the romance or whatever they were trying to have between him and Rey.

Last edit: Yeah, also not a fan of what they did with force ghosts in general. It made them more mysterious and somehow more real in how limited they were. I thought seeing a force ghost Luke straight up walking around and having conversations was pretty bad. You can show them here and there, but they really overdid it. Yes, in The Last Jedi as well.

submitted by /u/BeastGuyson to r/StarWars
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