Friday 13 November 2020

I decided to come out as lesbian to my boss today. I got fired.

Today I was feeling brave, and since I’m now married I knew I wouldn’t be able to hide my marriage for much longer. Some of my coworkers who knew had previously almost spilled the beans in front of our boss.

So I Skyped my boss today, and long story short I told him that I was lesbian, and that my wife and I were recently married. He looked kind of disappointed, and said something along the lines of ‘I’m sorry, but we can’t have you on the team if you are this way. I wish you luck for the future, but I think it’s time you find yourself another job’.

I was a fifth grade teacher and I was very fond of my students, I hope that they get another teacher who will be suitable.

Also just for some background, where I live gay marriage is legal but not widely accepted. My country is mostly catholic.

Edit: Just to clarify, this was something I decided to do because it was affecting us in other ways. I was sick of not being able to invite my partner to events and the like. Was it a mistake? I guess so. I just kind of hope that if I take action about this it can be a way to get people talking about it. I love living in Guatemala, but I’m desperate for members of the lgbtq+ community to have more rights here.

Edit 2: I am from Guatemala

Edit 3: thanks so much for all the kind words and advice. It is so appreciated. I will try and update on this as much as I can without compromising my privacy.

Edit 4: I didn’t Skype him specifically to tell him this, he always meets with most of the teachers in the team every week so I decided to tell him then.

submitted by /u/guatemalan-teacher to r/CasualConversation
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