Thursday 27 August 2020

This sub is surprisingly super transphobic

For context I am a cis gay man, I’m not Trans but I’m speaking on behalf of my trans brothers and sisters.

Yesterday there was a post on here that essentially boiled down to ‘Trans man are actually women and don’t belong in Gay male spaces’

It received overwhelming support. The few voices that spoke in defense were downvoted to the ninth circle of hell. I’m appalled. Do better gaybros.

We should strive to be a kinder and more inclusive community.

Edit: Wow. Well. This is a lot. It shouldn’t be this controversial to ask humans to treat other humans with respect. The sheer amount of bad science, faulty logic, and overall cruelty is truly kind of staggering. This is a dark day.

submitted by /u/Oleander_and_Arsenic to r/askgaybros
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